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Our Tarrifs

Nilipie to Mobile Rate Card
Min Max Rate
100.00 200.00 17.00
201.00 400.00 18.00
401.00 600.00 19.00
601.00 800.00 20.00
801.00 1000.00 21.00
1001.00 1200.00 29.00
1400.00 30.00
1401.00 1500.00 31.00
1501.00 2500.00 40.00
2501.00 3500.00 55.00
3501.00 5,000.00 19.00
5001.00 7,500.00 75.00
7501.00 10,000.00 85.00
10,001.00 12,500.00 95.00
12,501.00 14,000.00 97.00
14,001.00 15,000.00 98.00
Nilipie to Paybill Rate Card
Min Max Rate
100.00 100.00 -
101.00 999.00 23.00
1,000.00 2,4499.00 34.00
2,500.00 4,999.00 56.00
5,000.00 9,999.00 85.00
1001.00 1200.00 29.00
15,000.00 112.00
Transfer to another Nilipie User
Min Max Rate
101.00 500.00 11
501.00 1000.00 15.00
1,001.00 1,500.00 26.00
1,501.00 2,500.00 41.00
2,501.00 3,500.00 56.00
3,501.00 5,000.00 61.00
7,500.00 77.00
7,501.00 10,000.00 87.00
15,000.00 97.00
Nilipie Purchase Of KPLC Tokens
Min Max Rate
1.00 100.00 -
101.00 999.00 23.00
1,000.00 2,499.00 34.00
2,500.00 4,999.00 56.00
5,000.00 9,999.00 85.00
10,000.00 15,000.00 112.00